Pasta Place

You are welcome to automatically download/scrape all files from this page. (I can't prohibit it anyway.) If you do, please direct your bot to You'll find a light-weight version of this page which isn't as computationally heavy for the server. (And you won't destroy file-acces-statistics this way. So please use it.)
Run you script preferrably at night so it doesn't disrupt the service. The repository corrently contains around 25GB of documents.


wget -r --no-parent -N -l inf -t 5 --limit-rate=2m -w 1 -nH -U "Wget-Scraper" --https-only  
On subsequent executions this will only re-download files that changed since the last download. This reduces server load and increase download speed.

You can download the latest wget.exe and put it in the directory where you want to store the downloaded files. Then open a cmd and change to that directory.

    cd /path/to/download/folder;
    wget.exe -r --no-parent -N -l inf -t 5 --limit-rate=2m -w 1 -nH -U "Wget-Scraper" --https-only
On subsequent executions this will only re-download files that changed since the last download. This reduces server load and increase download speed.

This page is the successor of, the successor of
Here you will find useful documents for your studies at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). Among them are: Old exams, solutions, exercise sheets, scripts, preparations as well as protocols of the practical course, collections of formulas and summaries.
If you have found personal work or data that should not be publicly accessible or if there are excerpts from textbooks or similar in a document, please contact us via e-mail at and the offending passages will be taken down.